I’ve been disenchanted for a bit with my apps. I was really excited for the last couple of apps that I released, but the sales have dismal for them. I believe the apps themselves were useful and worked well, but my marketing leaves a lot to be desired. Instead of pushing myself to do better at marketing the apps, I kinda fell into a rut and stopped doing much of anything useful.
I shouldn’t say that I haven’t done anything useful. I have spent time upgrading my skills and also working on a couple of new apps.I have at least one pretty much ready to go, but I have lost my confidence so I haven’t done the last few steps needed to release it. So, one set of failures has compounded to make a an entirely new set of failures.
Sadly, at this point I don’t have a great solution for myself. So, this might not be the most helpful blog post to anyone, but it does help with my accountability to myself. I know I am capable of creating a decent apps that are either useful or enjoyable. I just have to remind myself that no one can see the apps if I don’t release them. After that, I need to find a way to let people know that the apps exist in the world.
So, I’m going to use this post as a way to push myself to step back up and do what I know I can do. By the way, if you read this and want to play a silly, but enjoyable game – Fruit Derby is still available in the Apple App Store.